


We currently have 8 beers in our range
Herbee Pilsner

A lager using traditional malt and German noble hops, the addition of hemp adds a slightly nutty Earthiness while still maintaining a drinkability. 4.8%

Herbee Dredd

American Red Ale: A bigger, bolder ale. Marris Otter and Red ale malts provide a strong backbone for the hemp flavours to mingle with the piney resinous Americans Columbus and Chinook to bring resinous pine flavours to the table.  5.0%

Herbee Noir

Dark Lager: Dark malts blend with roasted hemp to provide a velvety chocolate and nutty finish. Particularly good in winter but worth a try at any time of year. 5.0% 

Olly’s Kolsch

Kolsch Mid: Crisp and clean, this low alcohol German ale is a refreshing palette cleanser that warrants multiple testing. 3.6%

Herbee Weedy

Wheat Beer: Bavarian style wheat beer with banana esters, with the hemp addition adding a note of almond and nutmeg to the finish. An old original with a twist.  4.8%


Golden Ale: A Festival style beer with mallard notes from the decoction mash. Long lagering provides the ultimate smooth beer to drink any time of the year. 4.8% 


A New world style pale utilising Sativa hops and myrcene and pinene terpenes. Tropical and stone fruit aromas meld with a resinous finish. 4.8%


Herbee CHILL

Cold IPA with upfront tropical fruit aromas, a resinous palette with a slight hint of mature hemp in the medium bitter finish.  6.5%

All of our beers are brewed in Western Australia’s Swan Valley in the largest glass microbrewery kettle in the southern hemisphere.